Saturday, September 15, 2007


Hi there!
I am back in Toronto now. There seems to be a problem with my email address. A few people have tried to contact me through the website and had no luck. So here is an alternate email address to use
Sorry about that!!
I have been really busy painting and will post some new images here!


Anonymous said...

Привет! Ну в смысле HI ))) Очень милая кошка! Вообще все твои рисунки позитивные и светлые. Ты молодец! Ну в смысле.. very good!! Нравиться очень твое творчество...paint - super :-) У нас в Росии очень холодно... in russia - very cold((( но от кошек с твоих рисунков теплее!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy new year))

pattyzee said...

i wish i could understand that!

Mitchell said...

Your Russian friend is called Sergey Kutyashev. He says your drawings are positive, bright, and make him warmer in cold Russia. :-)