Tuesday, March 8, 2011


March is here already! Leo weighs 18 pounds, Edmonton is freezing, and I start rehearsals in two weeks. AHHHHH! I am really not looking forward to leaving Leo for 9 hours a day. It's going to be hard. But I suppose it has to happen sometime!
Remember a while back I did some backdrops for my friend Kate's puppet show? Well, she asked me to do some more for her latest show.. and here is what I did!

Today is International Women's Day and so to celebrate I want to urge you to make a donation to Kiva

Its a great organization that gives loans to women to help alleviate poverty and empower them.
very very cool. check it out..

Also.. I got a new baby carrier for Leo and it is just THE BEST! so for the record.. the ERGO baby carrier rocks my world!!

Hope everyone is happy and healthy.

pattyzee :)

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